Thursday, June 9, 2011

One on one with Jason Schlek

 We here at Prehistoric Domination have been fortunate enough to get an interview with Red Raptor starting right flank Jason Schlek. Here's how it went down, yo.

Q: First question, what's the secret to your soufflè of death?
A: Lot's of love.

Q: Who inspired you most growing up?
A:  Not Cody McDonald.

Q: Who is your number one fan?
A: Fan? You mean stalker? Cause that is Justine Cota.

Q: What's your favorite game that you've played in this season?
A: NBA finals, game 3, Miami. I was on fire.

Q: What's your favorite type of goal?
A: The behind the back between the legs triple axle bicycle goal.

Q: What do you do to get ready before a big game?
A: Your mother.

Q: Do you even know my mother?
A: Do you know your father?

Q: That was uncalled for.
A: I ask the questions now.

(At this point, Jason Schlek punched me in the face and took the mic)

Q: Am I your favorite player?
A: Of course.

Q: Who is your least favorite player?
A: That would have to be Justine Cota of the McMurdo Station Wild Burros.

Q: What's your favorite goal of mine?
A: That game-winning 3 pointer in the NBA Finals.

Q: Oh I know right?
A: Fo' sho'

A: Can I have the mic back now?
Q: No!?

A: Really?
Q: No, here you go. (hands me the mic)

Q: What's your favorite song to listen to before a game?
A: Chocolate Rain by Tay Zonday. Gotta represent.

Q: Final question, any predictions for the rest of the season?
A: Nope.

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